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Solo Show 「烏亭炎上」

​pon ding / 台北 ( 台湾 ) 2016

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The last day of this year is Saturday. Many people do not have to go to work or go to school on this day. A month or two ago, someone asked Peng Ding if there was an event on New Year's Eve. At that time, there was no special plan. Tathagata make a small and warm performance, drink some beer at Ponting before dinner, watch a performance, bring a few candles back, melt the ups and downs of this year, and simply say goodbye to 2016 .

New Year's Eve party Wu Ting Yan Shang X Dizparity live performance

Time: 12/31 (Saturday) 5-8pm

Hosted by: ponding pon ding, Palladium Records

Admission: RMB 300 per person (pre-sale), RMB 360 (on-site)

Purchase tickets: 



烏亭炎上 X Dizparity live performance

時 間:12/31(六) 5-8pm

主 辦:朋 丁 pon ding、派樂黛唱片

入 場:每人300元(預售)、360元(現場)

購 票:

Invited the artist group "Uting Karasutei" from Japan. They will burn thousands of candles installed on stainless steel axles during the performance, and interact with DJ Dizparity, an independent electronic music brand in Taiwan. The wax becomes the work on display. Admission is open at 5:00, and the show officially starts at 6:00. / KARASUTEI Wuting / Founded in 2010 by artists Osan Hideo and Dongting Soon, the event is mainly based on installations and live performances. From December 27th to December 30th, the two will perform installation work at the speed of burning 1,000 candles a day at the Punding site, and the works after the live performance on December 31st will be on display until January 4th.

邀請了來自日本的藝術家團體「烏亭Karasutei」,他們將在演出過程燃燒裝置於不鏽鋼輪軸的上千根蠟燭,並與台灣獨立電子音樂品牌派樂黛旗下DJ Dizparity現場互動,表演中燃盡堆疊的蠟則成為展出作品。五點開放入場,六點演出正式開始。



Live Performance 「烏亭炎上」

​都橋 Echo's / 横浜 2016

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⚫︎9月17日(土)18日(日)19日(月・祝)10:00-17:00 月曜のみ16:30まで

⚫︎アーティストトークツアー 18日(日)14:00から


古川 歩/佐藤忠博/旭 晃子/藤井敏子/本郷 仁/渡邊彰子/川東博美/佐川好弘/北浦和也/池田高広/磨田孝一朗/川島慶樹/河合刀太/石丸 暁/田村 啓
中島あずさ/あさのひろし。/烏亭/松村れん/津村晃希/岡本孝介/石﨑悠子+高島 裕

共催:一般財団法人 利賀ふるさと財団
問い合わせ先 :瞑想の郷 Tel 0763-68-2324 mail:meisou atにさしかえ) 


Live Performance 「烏亭炎上」

​上畠アート2016 / 富山 2016

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Live Performance 「烏亭炎上」

​都橋 Echo's / 横浜 2016

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songs for a pigeon

​Plaza Gallery / Tokyo 2014

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 2024 © Karasuyama Hidetada

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